
Ridder & Smart Production Solutions

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It is no secret that Ridder gives its customers freedom in choosing solutions; that can be a Ridder solution, but it can also be a solution from outside. With this in mind, Ridder and Smart Production Solutions have entered into a partnership; together we have built an integration between Ridder iQ and the apps of Smart Production Solutions.

  • Are work orders still distributed on paper on the shop floor?
  • Do you know the exact costs of your products?
  • Do you have real-time insight into the status of work orders?

The aforementioned challenges are solved with the smart intuitive apps from Smart Production Solutions and ensure a paperless workplace.

As soon as a work order is released in Ridder iQ, the “bonregels” are sent in real time, including work instructions, drawings and BOM, to the apps of Smart Production Solutions. The operators only need to click on “start” and “stop” to enrich in real-time “bonregels” in Ridder iQ with time spent and quantities completed. The apps are device independent and work on touchscreen TVs, iPads or just standard PCs or laptops.

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